Aden Adde International Airport i Mogadishu

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Mogadishu, Somalia
Kontakter telefon: +252 61 8505489
Latitude: 2.0148121, Longitude: 45.3049135
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Kommentar 5

  • omar mohamoud

    omar mohamoud


    Excellent Airport I was there yesterday and I really liked it how people are very warm welcoming you and the smile there's something wrong with your paperwork they will help you out I really liked it I felt very welcoming the waiting room was wide open it had a huge glass mirror towards Runway it was all kind of amenities available there was several and duty-free shops available will different kind of thing at a decent price also very good quality I went to the VIP section was immaculate the service the people and the price

  • yahye all

    yahye all


    Brunai airport and mogadishu airpot i felt is much much better mogadishu Airport

  • Nina Waruguru

    Nina Waruguru


    Though challenging for a non-Somali speaking person, they have a nice way of helping you out with all the processes of filling in the necessary immigration documents. Not a very big airport but is very steadily and fast growing, with a vast area that promises bigger & better structures coming up in the very near future. There are also many hotels within minutes from the Airport and within the green zone. My experience with the Somali people is very warm. They love freely and are very generous even with strangers.

  • Mohamed ROBLE

    Mohamed ROBLE


    Small but very organized from security to bag handlers. Hopefully one day it will get back it’s old glory.

  • Kevin Sadaj

    Kevin Sadaj


    Not one building had working electricity or plumbing. And there was no garbage collection. The decor was, let's just say, minimal, and leave it at that. Staff were no where to be found. I did enjoy the vendors at the southwest portion of the runway. Also, we appreciated the close proximity to the beach. Keep in mind, I give it two stars because it was before the renovation. I am sure it is fabulous now.

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