Olympic Hotel i Mogadischu

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Mogadischu, Somalia
Kontakter telefon: +252 61 5222212
Latitude: 2.0503792, Longitude: 45.3246975
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Kommentar 5

  • Kalid Haji

    Kalid Haji


    In work

  • Zoheir Bin Ameer

    Zoheir Bin Ameer


    there is not Olympic Hotel. there is Somtel com.




    Hotel was great! The lobby was kept clean, bedrooms had surprisingly comfy mattress, and the previous guest left their AK-47 in the bathtub for me! Only issues were a corpse in the elevator and no valet.

  • James Cook

    James Cook


    Best theme Hotel, everyone was dressed like pirates from staff to the guests. The costumes were unbelievable from all kinds of weapons to gold teeth. Constant performances day and night it never stops. First-time visitors should be aware that the actors do not like you to take selfies when they're doing their reenactments.

  • nathan morley

    nathan morley


    Thankfully I had a hand gun. That came in handy. I came to Mogadishu to see the Black Hawks crash sites....I ended up killing 3 people. But the hotel was nice for cover. If you go this deep in Mogadishu be sure to purchase a gun, a few weeks of ammo & get a group of body guards...... I only had 4 men.

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