Port of Mogadishu i Muqdisho

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xamar jab jab, Muqdisho, Somalia
Kontakter telefon: +252
Latitude: 2.023869, Longitude: 45.333168
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Kommentar 5

  • Evans Nthiwa

    Evans Nthiwa


    The port is improving year by year having in mind the many years of armed conflict and is one of the major facilitators for growth of Mogadishu as a town and commercial center, lots of imports comming through on a daily basis.

  • Cadnaan Xassan Nuur Cali

    Cadnaan Xassan Nuur Cali



  • Somalo-Turkish HD

    Somalo-Turkish HD


    This Port is Bustling with activities,Livestock is exported,Banana export,mango and Lemon is exported,alone 2015 almost 4 Million Livestock were exported.Modernized Port full of Commercial Activities going as far as Middle east and Europe.

  • Pieter Bruinsma

    Pieter Bruinsma


    Its been 457 days since we arrived and we still await the ransom payment. We have tried every way we can to resolve the demands. They have taken our shipment of 7000 tons of canned goods, yet they still demand more. The Chief Officer continues to taunt our captures, he has swallowed the only can opener in Somalia We remain in good spirits.

  • cabdulqadir salad

    cabdulqadir salad


    Do you like to vised Muqdisho New Port, if you like we shal say you well come with open hand it is pece place you can take your dijitul live.

Nærmeste Transit station:

Korontada Bus Stop

Jaale Siyaad Road, Mogadishu
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