University of Somalia i Mogadishu

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Mogadishu, Somalia
Kontakter telefon: +252 61 5584868
Latitude: 2.0622484, Longitude: 45.3210202
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Kommentar 5

  • abdikadir abdinuur

    abdikadir abdinuur


    please get charter

  • Guushaa 01

    Guushaa 01


    UNISO was founded by a group of dedicated Somali scholars and is committed to the development of human potential to contribute to the implementation of Somali national development plans. UNISO will serve the Somali nation by providing its students with world-class and relevant knowledge, skills, and ethical and moral training necessary for the 21st Century. It will strive to employ qualified, experienced and talented faculty capable and willing to provide UNISO students with the knowledge, insights, tools and techniques they need to realize their full potential and become productive Somali citizens. For over a decade, UNISO has been home to bright educators, aspiring students, and others who have been drawn from all over Somalia. We currently have the largest programs in health science, business administration and computer science in Mogadishu and we are striving to achieve national, regional and international recognition. UNISO encourages its faculty and students to be responsible intellectuals and to engage their communities in academic research to advance knowledge and seek effective solutions to the sociopolitical and economic issues that currently confront our nation. We invite qualified faculty and talented Somali students to visit our university campuses and join the growing community of scholars at UNISO.

  • Khaalid Xirsi

    Khaalid Xirsi


    A good university i will hope success

  • Qadarclick



    This University is the Best University in the Town Mogadishu

  • Mohisha Mohamud

    Mohisha Mohamud


    Is the best university in somalia

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